145353 | Daudi Nampesya


I was born in a non-Christian family. I was taught to worship our ancestors whom I thought were our protectors. I offered sacrifices to them. One day I left my home village, and went to work in Nagose. At Nagose I saw people going to church on Sundays. One day and evangelist from the church came to witness to me about Jesus. I believed and received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I went to church for Bible study classes. After some months I was baptized by Lawrence Kungunde. My heart was filled with joy to be born again and to know the true God! I loved the Bible and read it every day and prayed. I went back to share this joy with my parents and relatives, but they rejected me. Preacher Kungunde helped me and raised me in my spiritual new life. I was like a son to him. He loved me and taught me the Word of God, prayed for me, encouraged me, and bought me a Bible.

In my heart I felt a call to serve God. I joined an evangelism team in the church. Later I went to Bible School and then Seminary. Lawrence Kungnde ordained me as a preacher, and now I am leading a church. Pray for God to give spiritual wisdom and strength.

ID #: 145353 | Daudi Nampesya


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