149135 | Masauso Banda


I was born into a poor family and my parents did not know Jesus as their Savior. After grade six, my parents did not have enough money for me to continue with my education. I became frustrated and felt rejected. My life was filled with adultery and anger; and at times, I even threatened to physically harm my own parents. When I was twenty-one years old, a Pastor came to my house and shared with me about God’s love. At first, I did not listen to him, but he did not give up on me. Instead, he continued to share with me many passages of Scripture. I no longer enjoyed the way I was living. I realized I was a sinner and needed Jesus in my life. I repented of my sins and opened my heart to the Lord, accepting Him as my Savior.

God has used me to bring many people to Him and to plant many churches in my area of Zambia. I am pleased that if I die today I will enter the Kingdom of God. I look forward to working hard for my Savior until that day when He calls my name. Thank you for partnering with us!

ID NUMBER # 149135 | Masauso Banda


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Thank you for partnering with Gospelink and this National Preacher to enable him to be most effective in ministry.