“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
One of the practical ways that Gospelink strives to be doers of the Word, and not just hearers of the Word, is by caring for orphans in need.
Founded in 2006 and adopted by Gospelink in 2020, the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery of Malawi provides childcare for infants whose mothers have died during childbirth or shortly thereafter. Due to poverty, the children’s families cannot afford formula and necessary supplies for their survival. Children stay in the nursery until they are about a year old before returning to their extended families. If their families are unable to provide at that time, the children are entered into foster care or adopting families.
In the 17 years it has been active, the crisis center has been directly connected to the care, health, and safety of 250 babies. Currently, the nursery can house up to 15 babies at any given time, and is overseen by 6 caregivers and 4 other staff members.
In conjunction to the crisis nursery, there is also a Mzuzu Family Training Center. The family training center exists to train the families of orphans so that proper care is given once the babies leave the crisis nursery. Along with practical training on providing basic essentials for the families as they take the new babies home, the training center also focuses on evangelism and discipleship with these families.
Take a moment to watch the video below of the Crisis Nursery.
Video Highlighting the Mzuzu Crisis Nersery
While the Crisis Nursery and Family Training Center have greatly impacted Mzuzu and the families it has worked directly with, there is a strong vision for the future of these ministries that strives to be more strategic with its mission, finances, and resources.
In 2023, the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery was moved to the Family Centre building which will allow us to serve more families while using the same number of resources. This would allow us to:
Train families to care for orphaned infants in their home
Have more follow-up visits with the families supported by the training center
Will allow more spiritual outreach using Gospelink pastors
Use the land located at the Family Training Center for greater farming and sustainability for the ministries
So how can you get involved?
There are two main ways we are looking for people to partner with the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery and the Family Center. We are asking for prayer partners, and financial partners.
First, we are asking for prayer partners that will dedicate to pray for the orphans, caregivers, nurses, and administration that oversee and lead these two ministries. We are praying that we will be able to maximize our resources and impact in that community through these ministries.
Secondly, we are asking for financial partnership. We need sponsors for the Crisis Nursery and monthly sponsors for the Family Center.
Specific ways you can be praying for the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery and the Family Center:
Health for the orphans, caregivers, and nurses.
Wisdom for the administration that oversee and lead these two ministries.
Greater focus and impact on the orphans’ and families’ spiritual needs.
For more Gospelink preachers to connect and visit children and families who have returned back to their homes after being supported by the Family Center.
To maximize our resources and impact in this community and through these ministries.
Specific Ways you can financially support the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery and the Family Center
Monthly formula for a baby at the Crisis Nursery - $50.00 per month
Crisis Nursery Infant Sponsor - $300.00 per month
Family Sponsorship (commitment of 12 months) - $75.00 per month
One-time gifts of any amount