Deputy Vice Chancellor Continuing Education Support

Sandwell Zgambo to pursue PHD

Sandwell graduated from the first class at Ambassador International University in 2012. After graduation, he continued his education at Moody Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, where he earned a Master of Divinity (M. Div.) in December 2016. Upon completing his master’s degree, he returned to his alma mater to teach. He now teaches a variety of courses including Biblical Hebrew, Bible Geography, Bible Ethics, Christ and Culture, Senior Research Project, and Homiletics. He serves not only as a lecturer but also as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Ambassador International University. Sandwell and his wife, Abigail, were blessed with two girls and their names are Jayanah and Janice. The family is thankful to God for the continued support and the privilege to serve at Ambassador International University. Sandwell has a great yearning to grow as a lecturer and leader.

According to the Higher Education Authority (HEA), Sandwell needs a Ph.D. to continue serving in his capacity at AIU. He is currently enrolled in an online Ph.D. program that is affordable and is writing his research project on the impact of online theological education in Zambia. The move to support Sandwell’ s education will allow AIU to warrant the opportunity to move to Tier 2 or ZQF9 and enhance compliance with HEA. Tier 2 or ZQF9 allows accredited institutions like AIU to offer programs from Bachelor Degree to Masters level. Your prayers and support for this noble cause will be greatly appreciated.

$4,850 has already been raised to support Sandwell’ s PHD program. The program itself will cost $6330 after a 76% scholarship he received. He is in need still of $1,480 to cover the cost of the program and another $520 for books and fees for a total need of $2,000.

Use the following Link to give toward this project. Put Sandwell PHD in the memo note filed on the giving page. GIVE HERE

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