148114 | Kalonda Lyahema


I was born in a pagan family where God’s Word was considered useless. I was involved in my parents’ practice of worshipping false gods and spirits of the dead. My father and mother smoked and drank alcohol, so I did also. I also had a bad temper and was always ready to fight, but everything changed when I went to live with my uncle who was a Christian. I began to take part in their family devotions and attended church services with them. My uncle continually talked to me about God. One day during church, my heart was deeply touched. After the message I stood up, publicly confessed my sins, and accepted Christ. After that, I stopped smoking and drinking. I began to love the Word of God

During my stay in my uncle’s house, I became involved in local ministry. I learned of God’s Great Commission, and a desire and love for reaching people came into my heart. I started visiting the hospital and took every opportunity to bring souls to Christ. A while later I went to school to increase my Bible knowledge. During that time, I knew that God was calling me to serve Him.

ID #148114 | Kalonda Lyahema


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