148457 | Ntawizera Balthazar


I was born in a pagan family, and was involved in stealing, drinking, using drugs, and sexual immorality. One day a servant of God came to my home and told me that Jesus Christ loved me. We discussed this, and he invited me to his church. I attended the church, and after the message I was on my knees repenting of my sins. Jesus saved me that day. After attending classes, I was baptized. I abandoned my former life and became a respectful man. It became my desire to encourage my friends and my parents to attend church.

Since I have trusted Jesus as my Savior, I have such a peace in my heart. I have a freedom from my past sins and no need to look back to the things of my former life. Soon after my salvation, God placed on my heart the desire to tell others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Several pastors helped to train me for the ministry. During my time of training, God called me to be an evangelist and a pastor. I have faithfully served Christ ever since then by preaching in churches and open air meetings. Thank you for helping!

ID NUMBER #148457 | Ntawizera Balthazar


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Thank you for partnering with Gospelink and this National Preacher to enable him to be most effective in ministry.