145127 | Boazi Mulila


I was born into a pagan family. My family worshipped animals and rocks as our gods, and this did not give me any peace. We did not receive any of the blessings my father promised that we would from worshipping these false gods. One day two pastors visited my home and shared with me about how to be born again. I discovered that I was lost and needed a Savior. I confessed my sins, was baptized, and then joined the church.

From the day that I accepted Christ as my Savior, I had a peace that I did not have before. I loved giving to the church instead of giving to the stones or trees. I also started reading the Bible that I had bought. I began visiting sick and lost people with my pastor. I was given the chance to witness to the lost and see them come to Christ. God put in me a burden for the unsaved. I had to be trained and continued helping my pastor. I then started a church and have now been serving the Lord for many years.

ID # 145127 | Boazi Mulila


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