Establishment of the AIU Trade School!
To increase our influence in the community and benefit the AIU students and Gospelink preachers we have a proposal to establish a trade school at the campus of AIU. This would be done in partnership with the TEVETA organization in Lusaka Zambia which will be issuing the trade school certificates and provide credentials to those finishing the program after their exam. TEVETA also provides the curriculum.
Through the trade school we will have the opportunity for AIU students to teach the Bible in the local language as part of the program. Our local community will be able to participate. Our students can then leave AIU upon graduation with at least one trade certificate. The trade school will also provide the opportunity for Gospelink preachers to earn a certificate that will help them economically as they pursue their calling.
Startup Costs:
Refurbishing a building for Trade School Use: $2,210
Equipment for Building $15,768
The need is for $17,978
We would like to begin building as soon as funds are available.
Progress toward the goal
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