For Foundational Partner and End of Year Giving…
As you have generously supported our international ministry partners, we are now asking you to become a Foundational Partner of Gospelink by making a one time gift now and a recurring gift pledge or actual giving plan for the future. First, it will put Gospelink on a healthier fiscal foundation. Next, adequate funding will allow us to expand our team. It is vital for us to increase our efforts to train, launch and sustain discipleship movements. Finally, we will be able to focus our periodic fund raising on expanding some of the key initiatives and projects that we are working on with our ministry partners
To read the letter from Stephen Nelms click HERE to download a copy to read.
When using the form below, select “Gospelink General” for “Campus", and “Foundational Partner” for “Fund”. There will be a “note” field at the end of the giving form where you can add “EOY gift”, or any additional note you would like us to see.