149278 | Christopher Masite


I grew up in a mission school where my father worked as a house servant. At age nine, I began to habitually steal items from the school, including sugar and powdered milk. These items made me popular with my fellow students, and I enjoyed the attention that this brought me with my peers. While I was at the mission school, I started attending youth meetings. One Sunday, we were being taught by the missionary from whom I was stealing. He was teaching about sin and its consequences. This helped me to see myself as a sinner and my need to repent. That next Sunday morning as the preacher spoke on the sin of King David, I was convicted, turned to Jesus and repented of my sins. My stealing immediately stopped, and I experienced the joy of the Lord’s forgiveness!

My life has been transformed. I no longer am conformed to the pattern of this world. I desire to be a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God. I am involved in outreach, church planting, and the preaching of God’s Word. I seek every opportunity to carry out God’s commission to send out the gospel to all the people of the earth by teaching discipleship to others within the local church. Please pray for me to be faithful to this calling.

ID #149278 | Christopher Masite


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