Church Planting Initiative in Niger!
Gospelink CPI in Niger
Reaching West Africa for Christ!
Nestled in the heart of West Africa’s Sahel region, the Republic of Niger sits in the crosshairs of orthodox Islam and tribal religious practices. By day, local mosques are full of Muslim worshippers offering unheard prayers; by night, these same people seek out witch doctors to bring them success and health.
Consistently recognized as one of the world’s poorest nations, the people of Niger are embattled by the arid climate, threats of terrorism, and political unrest. Given the uncertain future of Western presence in Niger, there is an increasingly desperate need for the Nigerien church to raise up its own evangelists and church planters to be sent to regions of that country untouched by the hope of the Gospel. Learn more about Gospelink’s Church Planting Initiative in Niger and how you can get involved at