Together in the South
Together in the Southern hemisphere
The Road may be Difficult but Together We Persevere
Imagine being away from your home, around the other side of the globe, and getting sick. In fact, one of Gospelink’s Field Directors found himself in that exact situation. “Contracting the COVID-19 virus reminds me of the early missionaries who packed their belongings in caskets and set sail for the continent of Africa. They realized that going to Africa almost always ended in death. These early missionaries had such a heart for the lost in Africa they cried out ‘though thousands of us die, please send more!’”
This same heart cry was in the founder of Gospelink when he came to Africa for the sake of the gospel. He slept in tents on untouched Zambian soil and even contracted malaria more than once, yet cried out “Send more!” Through the last 23 years, many have come alongside Gospelink with prayers and financial help. Hundreds have literally touched this continent with us by traveling to Africa to share the gospel. Thank You!
This same spirit, fueled by those early missionaries, remains all over the African continent. Not only does Gospelink partner with almost 1,000 National Pastors in eight African countries, right now Gospelink is moving into the northeastern part of Mozambique to reach refugees and Islamic communities. This new Church Planting Initiative strategically provides resources so the gospel can be shared among Muslim communities and in areas where the name of Jesus has never been spoken. Though these situations are dangerous and identities must remain hidden, these church planters also are crying out, "Please send more!" One church planter uses a boat with a sail and two rudders to go up and down the coast to minister. In his last report he was blown out into the ocean because he did not have a motor to power his boat. But he cried out, "Though I be blown out into the ocean and fear for my life, please send more laborers."
In the neighboring country of Zimbabwe, dozens of preachers are enabled to do ministry more effectively through their partnership with Gospelink. One such pastor had a thriving church in Bulawayo where he had running water, electricity, and comfortable living. This pastor left the comforts of this church and relocated to a very rural area without any of these comforts. He also cries out, “Though my living conditions are very harsh, please send more church planters.”
No matter which aspect of ministry has drawn you to partner together with us, the result has been countless hours of gospel ministry, thousands of churches being planted, and an untold number of souls brought into God’s kingdom. Because of you, over 1200 National Pastors are assisted so they can focus on evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
In the words of one of Gospelink’s Field Directors, “Contracting COVID has probably been the best thing my Lord has done for me in a long time. Now I can cry out with a different voice, thank you for sending me out and all of my fellow laborers. We love you and thank you for your support!”
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These stories and updates are shared from the 2020 Gospelink Annual Report.
Countries in the
Southern hemisphere
Ethiopia | D.R. Congo | Malawi | Mozambique | Nicaragua | Rwanda | Tanzania | Zambia | Zimbabwe