Campus Vehicle Replacements
The campus needs to replace 3 Toyota Trooper vehicles. They are used almost every day to transport students, staff and US Lecturers and mission teams or they are used to purchase materials from Lusaka needed to support the operations of the University. They are also used by our Clinic and ministry teams for outreach into the community.
The cost to maintain these vehicles has grown with the cost of imported parts on the rise or not available. These vehicles are also old. The Beige Trooper is a 2004 with 112,000 miles and the White Trooper is a 2000 with 177,000 miles. We also have a 2005 Toyota GX with 176,000 miles.
Our plan is to begin replacing these 3 vehicles as funding becomes available. The current vehicles would be sold and with additional funding a replacement would be purchased.
Phase 1 - Replace the Beige Trooper —- Funding Need: $24,500
Phase 2 - Replace the White Trooper —- Funding Need: $26,000
Phase 3 - Replace the White GX —- Funding Needed: $22,000
Total Project Funding Need: $72,500
Needed By: ASAP
Progress toward the goal
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