Harvest Hope Home Update
Harvest HOpe HOme Update
Hiccups & Hindrances
“...The orphans adopted into Harvest Hope Home in 2012 are becoming young men and ladies, and we are looking to the Holy Spirit for an eternal harvest. Though not yet realized, we catch glimpses in their lives and character...”
In the west we refer to obstacles as bothers, setbacks, and trials. In Africa a softer, less abrasive term is applied — hiccups.
As the world coughed, fretted, and shut down due to COVID-19, Harvest Hope Home (HHH) hiccuped. The Malawi government followed the lead of other nations and tried to prevent the spread of the pandemic. Schools endured the most uncertainty, and Harvest Hope Primary school with its 120 pupils—50 of them attending from the surrounding villages — was closed...then opened... then closed again...then opened, then closed. Not to see their children fall behind, the mothers and fathers organized a schedule for morning studies. The children were giddy and excited with the new format at first, but of course academics are academics, and the routine soon became normal. These dear parents must be applauded for their extra impetus and effort to train these children during uncertain times.
The solar powered water pumps which were installed this past year are paying dividends with gravity fed irrigation. The normal once-a-year harvest that comes with the rainy season is now supplemented with gardens growing collards, mustard greens, tomatoes, and okra every single month!
As the ministry influences the surrounding communities, we do not forget that gardens, crops, irrigation systems, and education are all part of a process of forming lives and discipling them. The orphans adopted into HHH in 2012 are becoming young men and ladies, and we are looking to the Holy Spirit for an eternal harvest. Though not yet realized, we catch glimpses in their lives and character. In 2020, Rahim, a ten-year-old, announced that he no longer wanted a Muslim name. He declared that his new name was “Owen,” and though no one knows where he heard such a title, it evidenced that he wanted to change his identity to that of a Christ follower! Pray that our Lord continues His hand of harvest at HHH.
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