150091 | Thulani Moyo


Before I received Christ, I was involved in a lot of sinful things. My parents were separated, so I was empty and rebellious. I used drugs, and people were afraid of me. I was searching for something to fill my soul. The more I tried to please myself, the more empty I became. One evening I decided to attend a church home group in my area. As the teacher was sharing the Word of God, I felt like he was talking about my life. I knew how empty my life was and knew I needed Jesus to help me.

At the end, I was the first one to come forward to accept Jesus. That evening marked a change in my life.Most people who knew me could not believe that I had become a Christian. Though opposed by family and friends, I kept reading the Bible. There were times of failure in my life, but I also grew from these. Being so grateful to God, I wanted to serve Him and teach others His ways. I received training and have been in the ministry since 1998. The Lord is using me to reach many with His salvation.

ID #150091 | Thulani Moyo

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