150116 | Dingani Sibanda


Before becoming a Christian, I had no direction in life. I had never heard God’s plan for salvation. One day while walking, I was met by two men that spoke to me of God’s love. They read from the Bible and told me that God had sent His one and only Son to die on the cross, in order that I would receive eternal salvation. I feared the changes in my life which would take place if I followed Him, so I ran. I continued my sinful lifestyle. One weekend I was bored and decided to pass the time by attending church. I heard a message that spoke to my heart. God opened my eyes and I saw my need for Him. I knelt before God and confessed my sins. I was made new.

As I continued to grow in my faith I felt God calling me into full-time ministry. Before long I was teaching His Word to others. God gave me a burden for the lost and I knew that He wanted me to share His message with those in darkness. I am grateful to the men that have trained me to share God’s truth with others. I have had the pleasure of seeing many people come to know the Lord as their personal Savior through my ministry.

ID # 150116 | Dingani Sibanda


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