149170 | Rodrick Jere


I was born in the home of unbelievers. Because of that, I did not have much opportunity to learn about the Lord. In school I made a friend who took me to his church to sing in the choir. I was very interested in singing in the choir, but I was not living a right lifestyle. When I was thirteen years old the preacher brought a sermon that caused me to be convicted about the things I was doing. I knew my life did not please God. That day, I confessed my sin and made Jesus the Lord of my life. My life has been different since that day.

When I was sixteen years old I became a Sunday School teacher. In time, I knew the Lord was calling me into His ministry. My heart was very concerned for lost souls. I shared this with my pastor and, from time to time, he allowed me to preach. I decided to go to Bible school where I trained for four years. I am so glad to be in the ministry. I enjoy working for the Lord. I have helped to start many churches. Most of my work is among the Chewa, Ngoni, Tumbuka, Kunda and Senga tribal groups. Thank you for your support and prayers.

ID NUMBER #149170 | Rodrick Jere

preacher Need: $145/Month

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