149332 | Able Chishala


Before I was a Christian, I was engaged in many bad habits and lived a life without any real peace and joy. The more I attempted to fulfill the flesh, the emptier I found myself. One day while I was staying with a friend, a Bible college student came to my door and shared the gospel. He was going door to door sharing Christ with anyone who would listen. That day I listened to the gospel and was greatly convicted. I called out to Christ and he saved me from my sin.

For the first time, I found real peace and joy. I began to study the Bible with the man from the Bible college who led me to Christ. He taught me regularly, and I began to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. I joined a Bible believing church and began teaching the Bible to others.

After I gave my life to Christ, I began to have an inner conviction to serve the Lord. It was soon confirmed to me and other men of God that I was called to the ministry full time. I went to Bible school in preparation for the ministry, and I am now the pastor of a church.

ID NUMBER #149332 | Able Chishala

Preacher Need: $175/month

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