148029 | Jules Wazeng


I was raised in a religious home, but one that did not know the truth about Jesus Christ. I was involved in drinking, fighting, prostitution and many other sins. One day, I found myself in a prayer meeting of a local church where the preacher spoke from the Word of God. He described the life of a believer in Christ and the life of someone without Christ. When he gave the invitation, I went forward and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my Savior.

After coming to Christ, my life changed forever! I began to read my Bible and to attend all the services of the local church. Soon, I joined the choir ministry and then I became the youth pastor. During all this time of spiritual growth, I felt that God was calling me to serve him and to share His love with those who were dying without any hope at all. When the church I was attending started a second church, they called me to be the pastor. I joyfully accepted the call. How good is my God to save a sinner like myself and to now use me to build up His Church! Thank you for your prayers and support!

ID NUMBER #148029 | Jules Wazeng


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